Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Winter Fun

Nap Time for two sick girls! Cooking fun with Mommy To Much Christmas Fun for Addi and Daddi

Gramps and Yaya

Family Christmas Fun!

Carmel Pride at a wrestling meet

State Wrestling Meet!

Snow Day Fun

SNOW, SNOW, and more SNOW!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 2 of Thankful November

Today I am thankful for my loving husband who works so hard for his family. Thank you John for being an amazing father and for making us laugh everyday. You give Addison the best gift of all, loving her mommy. I love you John!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello Again

So, I haven't posted in a long time and with the month of November here it always makes me think of all the reasons I am so blessed and very thankful for the wonderful life I have. So to get me back on track with my blog I am going to do the 30 things I am most thankful for and share some of the pictures you might of missed while I was not blogging this summer. Enjoy
November 1st:
Today I am thankful for by beautiful little girl, Addison Lee. She is such a blessing to us and we thank God every day for her. She keeps us laughing all the time. We love watching her grow and learn. Thank you Addison for making me a Mommy.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Daddy's Girl

Addison loves to visit the wrestling room, but what kids wouldn't love a big open space that is fully padded to run and play in. She enjoys chasing daddy around and the boys get a kick out of watching her crawl all over the place and dance to their music. I try not to think about what is on the mats!! I just wipe her down with disinfectant wipes and give her a bath right when we get home. NO she will not wrestle but she better enjoy it if she wants to see her daddy from November to February.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Slowly we are starting to get some hair. I just can't wait to put pig tails in her hair! This was our first first try at two little piggy tails!! John and I got a good laugh at them.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Just a few random pictures that are to cute not to share. Enjoy